Saturday, 3 March 2012

How to cure a heartburn

how to cure a heartburn

How To Cure A Heartburn: Defining heartburn

A very warm welcome to you and thanks for visiting! As your main concern is to find out how to cure a heartburn effectively, you can rely on which is an online resource that lists natural cures to heartburn as they become available. Of course not all natural heartburn remedies work for everyone but as this blog gets updated with new information, the chances in any newly mentioned cure(s) turning out to suit you, increase! 

Now, what better way is there to find out how to cure a heartburn than through learning what heartburn is to begin with? Let us define heartburn.

Heartburn, also referred to as acid indigestion, acid reflux and some other technical names, is a burning feeling in the chest, just under the breastbone. It gets triggered when
the tube through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach is irritated. This burning feeling can sometimes spread out to the angle of the jaw, throat or neck. Heartburn is mostly linked to regurgitation of gastric acid or in other words, gastric reflux which is the main symptom of GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease). It can sometimes also be a symptom of ischemic heart disease, but this is only the case for less than 1% of people who experience heartburn.

Clearly, having heartburn isn't fun as it can ruin your quality of life. But you do not have to put up with it much longer as you can easily learn how to cure a heartburn without having to rush to your prescribed medicines cabinet every now and then for temporary relief of the pain, misery and discomfort that keep coming back.

As a long time sufferer from Heartburn and associated symptoms, I can assure you that I have now restored my normal quality of life after having discovered how to cure a heartburn by using one or more of the safe and natural remedies I have been gathering over the past few years.

I am confident that you too can benefit from the tips and recommendations you will be able to find in my upcoming posts as I will be introducing you to several solutions that have helped me and many of my friends who have learned how to cure a heartburn with remedies you can easily use in the comfort of your home.

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