Friday, 23 March 2012

How To Cure Heartburn At Home

howto cure heartburn

A Recommended set of steps on how to cure heartburn at home

If you would like to find out how to cure heartburn at home, I'm going to assist you in how to do just that by showing you a number of heartburn home remedies you can
easily use at home. So let us begin! (For an explanation of what heartburn is and how it's caused, see my "what is heartburn" page).

And now, let us begin with some tips on how to cure heartburn if you're caught with it at home:

  • When you first begin feeling you have heartburn, the first thing you should do is drink a lot of water. When heartburn symptoms are not strong, drinking water can help by washing down the acid reflux and bile back into the stomach.

  • Avoid smoking as the stomach and esophagus lining get irritated by cigarette smoke causing even more heartburn.

  • Mix one teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar in a warm glass of water and sip it slowly. This mixture is known for being effective in stopping heartburn when it starts.

  • Probably the easiest recommendation I have for you on how to cure heartburn when you're home is to chew gum. This provides instant heartburn relief as saliva production is increased when you chew gum and saliva helps in neutralizing stomach acid. You should avoid spearmint, cinnamon or peppermint flavored gum as those spices can cause heartburn.

  • Chew on a stick of celery, it is a nutritious home remedy which is safe and known to provide heartburn relief, especially for pregnant women.

  • Drinking liquids with meals should be avoided as doing so causes the volume of contents in the stomach to increase. This can cause heartburn to start a lot easier and can also lead to backflow of the acidic stomach juices up into the esophagus. Therefore it's recommended that you drink liquids in between meals instead. For stomach relief and to cure heartburn at home, you can try pear, mango, papaya and guava Juices.

  • Although not everybody might know how to cure heartburn through baking soda, (appropriate doses to take)or whether it would suit the individual concerned to start with, (as it does not suit everyone) I suggest you take extra care with this remedy in particular and consult your doctor (I suggest you do this when considering ALL remedies)before considering it. Anyhow, if baking soda does not cause you any side effects, then adding half a table spoon in a glass of water is known to help as it is effective and an easy way to cure heartburn at home.

  • Cut a cabbage into pieces and sink it into a pot of water. Allow it to cook for 7 minutes then add mashed potatoes with a bit of olive oil. Such mixture helps heal heartburn.

  • Try fennel tea to cure heartburn at home. The reason fennel tea is good is because it contains anethole which generates bile. You can try to drink fennel seed tea bags 2 to 3 times a day either after or before your meal. To make fennel tea add 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds into a glass of boiling water. Allow the tea to steep for 15 minutes then strain it and drink it.

I hope the above information on how to cure heartburn at home using these home remedies turns out to be effective for you! If you try out one or more of these home remedies feel free to leave a comment here letting me know how you're getting along.

The Editors of Consumer Guide.  "14 Home Remedies for Heartburn"  19 January 2007. <>  21 March 2012.

"Find the Best Heartburn Home Remedy for YOU." My Home Remedies. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2012.

"Home Remedy For Heartburn." I love N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar 2012. <>.

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